Nazi: A Site for Nazism, National Socialism, Fascism, Eugenics and Nationalism : Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why be a Nazi? Pretty much our entire society thinks you're wrong, and bad.
    No one is born into any political belief, and many of us distrust political belief entirely. This is a question of history, however: over time, what types of behavior by human beings have led to what type of society? If you behave like modern people, you end up with a failed empire and an impoverished, corrupt and filthy population. Most of the world lives this way because most of the world's civilizations are remnants of greater ones. When you see your civilization going down this bad path, it's important to find a philosophy and course of action that will reverse the bad path and set us on a good one. This is a family of beliefs that currently are demonized because they're feared. Society fears us because we will make changes that stop the decline. That eliminates a lot of the tidy profits made by the corrupt and the lazy, parasitic existence of many people. It will not affect your average person, who is just trying to have a normal life and raise a healthy family. In fact, this person will find it easier to live. To answer your question: we adopt banned views because the action they endorse is the right thing to do.
  2. Isn't Nazism debunked by World War II and the Holocaust?
    Those who wish for things to be "debunked" have a short-sighted view of history. If anything, their outlook is debunked because in the 225 years since we adopted it (with the French Revolution), our society has gone from elegant, erudite, thoughtful and rising to crass, stupid, ugly and clearly in descent. World War II was many things, among which are included a loss for our side and the tragedy of the Holocaust. We wish Hitler had experienced better fortune in his expansion and the Holocaust had not occurred, but these are two errors out of many decisions, most of which were good. In the future, we hope to not be fighting the whole "civilized" world and to never participate in any programs that lead to mass death. It's worth noting that good came out of both of these things. The Soviets destroyed much of Europe when they occupied it after the war, but the seeds of resistance had been sewn and prevented many places in Western Europe from falling under the Soviet yoke. The Holocaust, which was basically a slave-labor program that went too far, prompted European Jews to re-settle in their own homeland, Israel, which has been beneficial to both Europe and Jews.
  3. Wouldn't you say the question is settled? Liberal democracy won and now rules the world.
    Liberal democracy "won" in that it had the greatest numbers and it could unify those people because the basis of liberal democracy is liberalism, descended from the French Revolution of 1789, and this was shared between East and West. It's not surprising that now the West resembles a cross between a bazaar and the old Soviet Republic, because liberalism always tends to this mixture of state subsidy and private corruption. In fact, liberalism is nothing new; it was discovered in ancient Athens, and led to the collapse of that great city, and it was discovered in ancient Rome and led to the collapse of that empire as well. Liberal democracy is not "the end of history" as its proponents want us to think, but rather the end of civilization, although it has taken several centuries to see that. Citizens in current liberal democratic societies are miserable, past the first generation of immigrants. At first, they are awed by the ease of living. Over time, however, the soul-crushing boredom of obedience that results from herd popularity as a means of leadership slowly wears them down. This is why 70% of Americans are "emotionally disengaged" with their jobs, 2/5 of them are on psychoactive drugs legal or illegal, most of them drink to excess, people watch so much TV, and the average person is "crazy" in the sense of being irrational and guided by emotion like a child. This is the great success of liberal democracy? It seems more like a marketing program for your corrupt elites, who make millions off your labor and misery.
  4. What kind of hope do you have of a comeback?
    History requires patience. It takes centuries to see the actual effects of any change. This is one reason why our society is constantly in chaos, namely that we're finally experiencing the end results of decisions made in the 1800s or before. WWII united the most powerful industries, media, governments and social cliques together against us. We never really stood a chance, being outnumbered 12 to 1, and facing a philosophy that is always more appealing to those who are short-sighted in their social planning. Time has changed things. The powerful liberal democracies are not breeding at replacement levels, and so are replacing themselves with a third world population, which isn't working out so well. Their leaders are corrupt and incapable, and so their fortunes are declining. All of Europe and the USA is basically propped up by its past successes, which give it "brand value" even today, but these states cannot replicate those past successes. Their citizens have become fat, slovenly, nearly illiterate, and good with technology only in the sense of making things like "Facebook." The few remaining people who dare to think are realizing this and looking for other optoins.
  5. Are you racists?
    That's a loaded question, isn't it? The biggest media conglomeration in history and all of the governments of the West agree that racism is bad and evil. Their citizens, pretending to be radicals, agree with this perspective. Governments hate racism because it makes governments weaker because it doesn't allow them to simply replace un-compliant populations with compliant ones. Once a nation-state is mixed-race, there is no dominant cultural, linguistic, religious and ethnic majority, and so the only unifying force is government and its laws. That makes anti-racism convenient not only for government but, as Noam Chomsky notes, for business. Are we racist? We are nationalist. That means one nation "equals" one group by culture, language, religion, and heritage. All others get excluded. A good model of this is modern Israel, which is designed to preserve the Jewish people, languages and culture, and so it excludes everyone else (when it can).
  6. I'm mixed-race, what do you think of me?
    You're probably asking this question thinking that you are unusual or different for being mixed race. In fact, most of the world is mixed-race because as most civilizations die, they import labor from afar to do what their citizens are no longer motivated to do. Mexico, Brazil, the middle East, south Asia, south America and huge parts of India and Pakistan are all mixed-race. However, it has always been this way; other cultures have remained more ethnically unified, and this contributes to their success, while mixed-race cultures seem perpetually mired in third-world disorder.
  7. What do you think should be done to Jews?
    Nothing. Jews will see that the most beneficial place for them to be is in Israel, where they can take part in a thriving economy and culture made possible by nationalism.
  8. Do I have to be white to be a Nazi?
    Anyone can be a Nazi. Germany is for Germans, and your homeland is for people who are indigenous to it. Support your race, culture, language, religion and values! Stand against those who want to make your society a "melting pot" which will inevitably become a uniform shade of mixed-race gray, have no culture except the shopping mall and "equality" (the opposite of quality), no religion except the State, and no shared language except a simplified street dialect of whatever language its founders spoke.